Saturday, May 05, 2007

Upon further review

SEWARD, AK - - We're still here in Seward relaxing. Tomorrow it's up the road toward Denali. So, I decided to look again at what we shot yesterday and see if anything seemed to catch my eye. One shot I remembered was an ugly, small boat heading back to harbor as we headed out. The 'headlights' were on and the mountains in the background and the blue water and shadows seemed to tell a story....which you can invent as you like.
THE whales we shot didn't come out 100% sharp as they weren't posing for us. The game was shoot, watch where the whale(s) went down and try to guess where they would come up. This resulted in about 100 digital frames and, maybe 5 good ones. The Orca below is a near miss but still looked good so here it is.
CORRECTION: It's Resurrection Bay and not how I butchered it in yesterday's blog. Why is it called Resurrection Bay? The prevailing story from the National Park Service is that it has to do with the first Russian explorers who chanced upon this area on or about Easter Sunday. At least that's one story. As it was in Skagway last year, if there's one story about how something got its name there are probably another six floating around.

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