Saturday, June 02, 2007

Saturday, June 2

DENALI NATIONAL PARK - - It's very easy to lose track of time and days here, especially when you work a very early shift. The early risers on vacation are usually the Ship Sheep who are capable of walking 100 yards or more. Contrast this branch of the specis to the later rising Sheep who only move with haste when they hear the call "Buffet is Open." These are and have been 24-hour-a-day grazers whose main goal in life seems to complain about everything. They should wear warning bells.
OF course you do meet a rare breed of the specis once in a while: the independent sheep. These individuals are taking advantage of the transportation and, wonder of wonders, actually picking things to do which they like.
THE seasoned Ship Sheep follow the herd mentality like they are on a conveyer belt and the cruise lines make sure that creative or independent thinking for oneself is discouraged. Case in point: The railway station has very attractive boarding areas designated for specific cars / cruise lines. Only a cynic would note the similarity to cattle pens in a stock yard. But then I'm just rambling on.

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