Saturday, April 29, 2006

Today's history lesson

I wondered how the Lynn Canal got its name so I Googled the item and got plenty of response but not how the name came about.

Lynn Canal isn't a canal at all. It's a Fjord like they have in Scandanavia; about 90 miles in length and 2,000 deep in most places. It's the longest / deepest in North America and in the top three in the world.

And you thought all we would write about was our adventures. Now on the adventure side Harry the Marmot isn't very happy because of the rainy weather and all the snow we came thru. In fact he really wonders if we didn't lie to him when we said he had relatives up here. We'll be on the lookout .. if the sun ever stays out for a long period of time.

We spent most of today on the computers or reading the $1 per paperback book bargains we got Jasper. We did do a short hike this morning but ran out of trail markings about a mile farther on than we should have. Not knowing the trail ended at the Pet Cemetery way up in the woods we wandered on and on until it was either take a really steep ascent or double back. We did the latter and were never visually 'lost' but all the trails we seemed to find on the way back kept leading in the wrong direction. Finally, we maneuvered down a steep slope to join the original (city built) Fittness Trail we had been on in the first place.

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