Friday, April 21, 2006

The adventures of Harry, The Hoary Marmot, Part 1

HEY! HEY! You're in the right place. The guy with coffee in his veins is hanging out nearby while I take a turn at the keyboard. So, the best place to begin is at the beginning so here goes:
You're probably wondering what the hell is a Hoary Marmot and how did I get myself into a situation like this: Well, we're sort of like tubby groundhogs only way better looking and way more intelligent. We spend our days searching for tender grass shoots, moss and other veggie things to eat - - when we're not hanging out in the sun and looking like stuffed pillows on the rocks. But. hey it's a life and we do our turns at sentinel duty warning the rest of the colony if danger comes our way with high pitched squeeks. did I say we're very intelligent and good looking.

Anyway, I was minding my business just lying in the sun and trying to stay awake when I sensed DANGER! But was it real UPPER CASE danger like a bear or cougar or wolf or coyote looking for a meal. Or was it the lower case type where somebody has just stumbled into the neighborhood. I was on alert, I was ready to sound the alarm but I was tricked with the oldest scam in the book - - food. Now hunting for food takes energy and is time consuming so when these two humans put out some nibbles and bits I forgot all my training, all the time spent learning E&E (escape and evade) tactics; all the classes on unarmed combat; all the ciphers and secret codes and dead drops ... did I mention that I read spy novels in my spare time??

So there I was: mouth stuffed, belly full and just too lazy to run and hide.

So here I am: I now have two humans as either (a) guards or (b) soft touches who will make my life GREAT. Personally I'm counting on selection B. When in doubt remember the old addage: Dogs have masters; Marmots have servants.

Now my 'servants' don't seem to be that bad: One human is grouchy and has a scruffy beard; the other, the one he calls Significant Other, tries to be nice but ignores me most of the time (I bet she has ADD - affection deficit disorder).

NOTE: The marmot that appears on the blog ( is a very distant and very ugly cousin; probably a poor relation from the wrong side of the tracks or rockpile. Did I mention that I like music? Even that Tibetan Monk Reggae thing.

Thought for today: "Used to worry 'bout rich and skinny 'til I wound up poor and fat." Delbert McClinton

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