Thursday, November 10, 2022

Hurricane Nicole

 ORMOND BEACH, FL - - Two officers from our OB fire department showed up Thursday afternoon to get a first-hand look at the street flooding a  block from our house.  It looks bad here while a couple of blocks up there's no flooding although the  Halifax River and the 20mph plus wind was trying hard to overcome higher (inches) elevation.  The building pictured is the OB city attorney's office...a great location until Mother Nature conspires.
     One block south lies Ames Park, a great place for a picnic or hanging out.  Not today.  Check the center background and you'll glimpse the OB bridge.  Not much happening there 'cause of high winds / waves and the hurricane / tropical storm madness.  The bridge access was closed...there was a mandatory evacuation yesterday, but not many people left their homes.  It's funny to think that the area just across the Halifax is considered  an island.

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