Lately, we've spent time at the docks watching the cruise ships arrive in the morning and other times watch them leave at night. Last night, we watched the Alaskan Marine Highway Ferry "Taku" ease into the ferry dock and unload 21 motorhomes, 23 cars, and five other various connveyances plus a few folks on bicycles and passengers. Skagway is the end of the line from Bellingham, WA. While the ferry was pulling into port a Bald Eagle was catching dinner in the harbor, the sun was setting, it had been sunny all day and we had ice cream cones for desert.
The local newspaper publishes every two weeks and includes, among other things, a police blotter of happenings in the world of law enforcement: A white poodle was picked up for loitering; a black Lab was picked up for loitering; both dogs were returned to the owners. The police assisted 5 individuals in getting their keys out of locked cars. The police reported that in the past two weeks they found the doors to 17 local businesses unlocked during their nighttime rounds. Such is life in the big city. Hey, we have Skagway Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit system busses patroling the 7 blocks of shopping areas..Do you know of another "city" of 850, now about 1,300, which has a little bus system with a big name.
Also, when the last cruise ship departs at night they blow they deep-toned whistle which reverbs throughout the valley....as does the whistle on the special Saturday Morning Steam Train. Both are really beautiful sounds in the quiet valley.
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