CARRIBOU CROSSING, Yukon Territory: This little guy is all of 5 weeks old but he's already thinking about the big sled dog race, the Yukoner, which all his older extended family wants to race in. This deep thinker doesn't have a name yet, but we'll call him "Champ" ...or maybe he isn't thinking at all about the race but how nice it is to hide in the shade under the sled and go back to sleep. He has 4 siblings - 2 with his same light brownish color and 2 with white coats. The mother dog's name is Otter and none of the puppies resembles her at all.
The 4 puppies from the litter before this one are sbout 10 weeks old and have been banished from active contact with humans because they are scamps and will bite/tug on your pants leg; go after floppy shoelaces and in general be a nusance. But they are still cute.
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