So here we are on Route 66 in Williams, AZ. We came through Boulder City, NV earlier today and they also were treading on the mythical stature of days gone past on Route 66. The gas station museum is just one of many buildings in Williams along this stretch of 66 to try to cash in with memorabilia. Actually, we turned off at the wrong I40 exit on our way to the Grand Canyon; saw that the area we were in was pretty neat and decided to spend the night - - the storm clouds rolling in had a bit to do with the decision. And, no, we didn't find any stores selling "kicks on Route 66."

I found this piece of a vintage Dodge truck in Virginia City, NV. The town, like Skagway, has a history shrouded in precious metals - - both silver and gold. And, like the Klondike Gold Rush, also has a famous author tied into the history. Mark Twain started his writing career as a reporter for the (Virginia City) Territorial Enterprise. Today, the former newspaper office is a museum and there is also a Mark Twain Book store. The town's main street has a more rustic appeal than Skagway with casinos and T-shirt/souvenir shops, not jewelry stores, taking most of the attention.

Just a few miles outside South Lake Tahoe we stopped at a Bureau of Land Management-operated National Forest visitor center. One of the many nature trails led us through an area for bird watching and then to a stream where Kokanee salmon were spawning and the Morganser Ducks (above) were zipping around in formation stalking the fish.
The Kokanee is/are quite famous for (apparently) giving their name to a regional beer here on the Left Coast. Why you would name a beer after a fish is beyond my realm of info.
FYI: The Kokanee have it made. They spawn in nearby stream, the young (fry) swim to Lake Tahoe and then return 3-4 years later to start the circle again.
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