Want to get away from it all?? This lighthouse perched on a rock outcropping somewhere within the Canadian portion of the Inside Passage offers those with a solitary bent the perfect way to spend some time. No neighbors and not much else; maybe not even a way to get off as the boat in the far right of the picture is partially sunk although anchored to what appears to be a dock. ***click on the pic to enlarge it
I've enhanced the colors a bit to make things more recognizeable as this was taken under very foggy conditions, a strong wind and blowing rain.
The black bear youngster below was out foraging in the grass alongside the Yellowhead Highway as we drove from Prince Rupert, BC to Smithers. It's raining so his/her coat is wet and matted but with a bear this young and no momma bear around we believe that the cub has no one to take care of it. Normally, young cubs spend at least two years with their mother learning how to hunt and survive. This shot was taken as the cub made its way across the highway; fortunately the driver of the lumber truck coming up behind us saw the cub and stopped until it got across and into the bushes. ***Click on the pic and take a look at it full sized.

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