This is one of the guys on the block...or Klondike Highway. This is not a bear, this is a "tip" machine. You quickly find out in the Skagway Tour Guide business that no matter how good you are with facts or how many interesting stories you tell, that animal sightings - specifically bears - generate tips better than anything. Of course, a Moose or Caribou or Porkpine or Eagle will do nicely, but is one of the guys pictured which makes a tourist happy.
So what you have is a bear sighting which is ok; better to see a bear close by the side of the road and even better is the bear stares at your tour bus like he (or she) figures you and the folks inside are just a bit "off."
We haven't gotten jaded yet at sighting bears or seeing another spectacular mountain still covered with snow. Cruise ship traffic every day of the week can get a bit hectic, but they certainly never send ugly ships.
And speaking of "cute", if you want to see a Husky puppy from one of our neater tour stops visit: lydiahinshaw.blogspot.com. It's not all tourists and bus washing.
Harry, the Hoary Marmot..my little buddy from Montana..has ridden along with me on a couple of tours. When you don't see any animals, Harry gets to make a guest appearance. This is not one of his favorite chores. He wasn't along last week when I spied a couple of his Alaska cousins who had apparentnly just come out of hibernation as they were sort of scrawny guys.
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