Friday, March 22, 2019

Life in the high-rise

The 'high life' isn't for everyone...

...especially when lots of folks are checking you out... some head to the ground floor but have to watch for alligators...

...while this lucky 1st floor tenant get meals delivered... 

...I thought the gurgling fountain was the best part of the 'high life.'

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Super worm equinox moon

ORMOND BEACH, FL - - Did you wake up around midnight and go outside to see what the moon looked like??  I did.  The 'super worm equinox moon' didn't have any super worms, but it was bigger...because it was closer to us...a whole 17 thousand miles.  Anyway, the "super worm" part of the tag refers to this particular (larger/closer) moon appearing when the soil begins to thaw from winter and the worms in the ground begin to check out what's happening.  In any case, this is the last supermoon of 2019.  You snooze, you lose or at least miss seeing it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The view from above

ORMOND BEACH, FL - - Sometimes you get lucky.  This great egret landed below me while I was on a walk way.  Not a normal situation.  Perhaps he (breeding plumage and green eye shadow indicate male) wanted a drink of water or noticed something yummy for brunch.  Anyway the situation caught my eye...and the lens of my camera.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Alligator Farm profiles


Egret bill-ing with green eyeshadow

Gator muncher ... brush after meals

Friday, March 08, 2019

...And I was having such a nice nap...




ORMOND BEACH, FL - - Alligator Farm antics:  A nice, warm sunbeam and a red-ruffed lemur make for a great photo combo...especially if it's nap time.  Luckily, this colorful primate didn't realize the click-click-click was a camera shutter.