Bobcat waiting for the keeper to deliver breakfast |
Mountain lion watching and waiting |
I got mine. Prairie dog munch time |
TUCSON, AZ - - Strangers in the night are out there prowling, looking for food should someone leave the garbage accessible or, worse yet, go for a late night walk with their pint-sized appetizer dog. There have been sightings of bobcats in this neighborhood. We decided it would be easier to head to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum for our encounter.
One interesting fact about the cat is that when in danger the cat hunkers down and its ears spread out alongside its head. The white spots on the ears (visible in the photo) then look like another set of eyes thus making the roughly 20 pound animal appear much larger.
While mountain lions could roam the surrounding mountain ranges, we doubt any would be hungry enough to venture too close to civilization. This sturdy fellow found hanging out in the shade and keeping a watchful eye on all the visitors to be less energy intensive.
Of all the interesting exhibits, the prairie dog village was our favorite. This gang of about 20...if they all decided to show themselves at once...were zipping all over the place. The only times they came top rest were to munch on something or have an intruder check.
We spent 3 hours wandering around and probably could have stayed longer but it was getting hot and animal activity was quieting down. The hummingbirds, bees, javelina clan (a relative of wild pigs), wolf, black bear were all seeking some kind of shade when we left.