SHELTER COVE, CA - - In our quest for new, out of the way places, we came upon Shelter Cove. This is a small community on California's Lost Coast with a campground which had an outstanding view of the Pacific, complete with restored lighthouse only 200 yards away. But what really intrigued us was the (private) air strip less than 100 yards from our campsite. The green plane (look past the hood of the VW) was taking off while the red plane in the distance was parked.
The surrounding area is part of the King Ranch Reserve/Preserve. Getting to Shelter Cove involved 21 miles of up/down, twist/turn, elevation changing two lane (some times 1 2/3rds lanes) of 20-25 mph navigating. You don't drive the road, you attack it...and hope it doesn't attack back, especially in one of the redwood forest sections where the trees are so close to the road they have bumper scars from close encounters.
The sea gulls in the top photo never blinked as the waves crashed against the rocks close by.