Sure, it might need a little work but you've got to admit it could be a sharp looking retirement home. Now, there's no running water, sewer or electricity but those are small details. Check out the landscaping...how the fuschia-colored fireweed accents the rustic appeal of the log construction. Note the roof. With a little work all you would have to do is mow it once in a while. Ventilation could be a problem with one window because of the mosquito population but we can probably overlook that.
Too bad I didn't take the photo to show the nice parking area in front of the cabin, not that you would need much since the best - - or worst - - thing about the location of the cabin is that it is in the middle of nowhere on the Atlin Road. This is a dirt road with a small amount of traffic going to a place - Atlin - which is scenically spectacular. No more thoughts about Skagway being at the end of the road. Atlin is way more remote. Of course we might have to get into the hermit/sourdough way of life to survive. Dream on